Feels like life is out of control right now. My to do list goes on and on...
Trying to cram all my summer projects into the last 2 weeks of summer before school starts.
Trying to get school organized and realizing I have way too much stuff that I want to teach my kids and way too many resources to do it.
Trying to gather all the wonderful donations that people have given us so that we can have a yard sale to raise money for our adoption. I can't even park in my garage anymore. I, somehow, sometime, have to find time to price all this stuff in preparation of the yard sale.
Trying to get T-shirts designed and made to raise money for our adoption.
Trying to use up all the tomatoes I have so I am busy making and freezing spaghetti and pizza sauce (on the list again tomorrow).
My car is filthy - not a norm for me.
My house, while not messy, is NOT clean - not a norm for me.
My last two batches of bread have caved in in the middle while baking - what the heck is up with that? Makes me angry daily when I make lunch with my caved in bread.
I literally haven't sat down for any long period of time in days...weeks maybe.
So much on my plate, so much frustrating me.
"I can barely hear you whisper through the rain". That is my hearts cry right now. Just to hear the sweet, soft whisper of the Lord telling me that He is with me. I know he's got me. That he is all over every one of these details. That he is going to be the one that provides the funds to bring our baby home. That he could care less about my dirty floors and the never ending crumbs under my table. I am not praying for those things to go away, they are not bad things by themselves. I am just praying that I will take it a day at a time and be peaceful in the middle of it.
I have only a few days left of summer. I want to spend them with my kids not my to-do list.
In other areas...Our adoption keeps moving! We are #64 for a girl and #39 for siblings. We go next week to get our FBI fingerprints done in Nashville. Excited to get that next step over with.
Should have our T-shirts printed b y next week and will get that out and about so people can start buying them.
We start school next week and I am ready for the consistency that will bring. It is hard to believe that my little girl is starting Kindergarten and my oldest little boy going into 1st grade. Time is flying by.